Paints & Tools

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Note: Sprays and other Aerosols are "Non-Mailable Material" and also considered "Hazardous Goods" by both UPS and FedEx, and are only available for Pickup, or local delivery by Good Foot Delivery.

341 products

Base: Iron Hands Steel

$4.99 CAD


Base: Rakarth Flesh

$4.99 CAD


Contrast: Black Legion

$7.99 CAD


Shade: Reikland Fleshshade

$7.99 CAD


Base: Runelord Brass

$6.99 CAD


Base: Iron Warriors

$4.99 CAD


Contrast: Guilliman Flesh

$7.99 CAD


Citadel Small Base Brush

$9.99 CAD


Base: Thousand Sons Blue

$4.99 CAD


Layer: Cadian Fleshtone

$4.99 CAD


Base: Corvus Black

$4.99 CAD


Layer: Warpstone Glow

$4.99 CAD


Contrast: Flesh Tearers Red

$7.99 CAD


Contrast: Iyanden Yellow

$7.99 CAD


Layer: Pallid Wych Flesh

$4.99 CAD


Layer: Ulthuan Grey

$4.99 CAD


341 products